Mimesis vs Abstraction
Mimesis vs Abstraction, one of the key Holistic Photography concepts, briefly explained in a video and an infographic.
We Get What We Want
Don McCullin photographed wars as it should be done; with courage and disgust. His and his contemporaries’ photographs from the Vietnam war soured public opinion and led to stringent press controls in subsequent conflicts. When his native England fought in the Falklands, he was the natural choice to go. But he was forbidden. Murdoch’s magazines […]
Fresh Faces 2014 World Final Modelling Competition, Barcelona
For lots of behind-the-scenes photos, check out the English Photographer Facebook Page Recently enjoyed the honour of photographing the famous Fresh Faces World Final here in Barcelona. For those who don’t know, it’s a huge annual modelling competition that attracts aspiring models from across the globe hoping to supercharge their career in that competitive industry. […]
Pentax K3 Camera Review
Pentax K3 Review – Ben Evans It’s not full frame. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s look at the specific features that make the Pentax K3 one of the best value cameras available in 2014. The Why I never considered getting a Pentax camera when I was starting photography. It was […]
Photography: Craft and Art
[x_video_embed no_container=”true”][/x_video_embed] Photography is both a Craft and an Art. It has its genesis in chemistry laboratories and the private sheds of curious alchemists who sought to preserve the passing moment. It’s now caught up with Instagram on iPhones and hipsters with Lomo ‘cameras’; image trumps technique. As ever, the successful marriage meets halfway between […]
Art: Evolution of Understanding
I recently visited a museum in Barcelona that covered ancient Art and wanted to share this excellent quotation from Octavio Paz (Peace) that I came across. Art survives the societies in which it is created. It is the visible tip of the submerged iceberg that represents every civilisation. It is often said that understanding is […]
Red Worker
Bilderberg Group – Conspiracy of Boredom
This year’s Bilderberg Group Summer Camp, held in idyllic Switzerland, has come to an end. It’s a shame that their discussions are secret and still largely unreported. As any simple comparison of viewing figures for Youtube videos of pop stars and silly dogs vs. geo-politics and philosophy will tell you; hardly anyone cares. And those […]
Einstein on the importance of Mystery
‘The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed ‘ Albert Einstein